April 11, 2010

So I say "spring time " VERY loosely. It SHOULD be spring when these pictures were taken in March...but then it snowed just a few days after this. OHH I hate spring time! Just can't wait for summer! So here are a few pictures from our week of spring in March.

By the way, just to show the difference in Kyhlan and Kayhbree..... it took us two years to get Ky to go down a slide by himself(and he STILL hates it). He STILL won't even walk across the playground bridges without Daddy by his side. Bree....look out big kids..here she comes. This girls has NO fear. Her first playground experience she was off to play with the big kids and didn't even look back for mom or dad. She showed Kyhlan.....

Ky FIRST time down the slide by himself!! Only took 3 years!
Bree's FIRST time down the slide by herself....took a whole year! :)


  1. Bree looks so big going down that slide! Love the shadow picture...see, you have a family photo:)
