November 12, 2009

Oh where oh where has the time gone....

...Oh where oh where could it be!

I guess it’s been awhile huh! Life has taken over, and left me little time to blog this last month! It’s actually left me very little time to do anything...including pictures! I've only taken a handful this last month... :(!!! But I am back and ready for action! The holidays are here...Yippy...the weather is here...Yuck.....the food is here...Yippy....and the time to be Thankful is here...Double Yippy! Why does it seem like we are always more thankful around the holidays? Why can’t we be thankful EVERYDAY!!! me!

This last month has really kicked David’s and my butts. We hit many new challenges, and experienced things we had not experienced before. I thank God for each of those challenges, as they were wonderful tools to draw us closer to Him!

A little over a month ago, we found out that we had our surprise bean number 3 on the way. God had blessed us with a third chance to be the best parents we could be. To raise another one up under His teachings. To be able to raise up the smallest gift into yet another godly man or woman. It was a surprise, but a huge blessing. Just about the time we were ready to tell all the family, we had a miscarriage. Our hearts were broken. My little bean was gone. We have now had a few weeks to really sit back and reflect on what it all meant. And to really focus on the things we Do have. God has given us the two most beautiful gifts he has created. They have done nothing but put joy in our lives, and the ones around them. I know in His timing, he will bless us again.

A few days after I finally started feeling better about what was going on, David hit his hard spot. He injured his leg is in first race....that, by the way he did awesome in!!! He got 11th place out of over 700 runners! He took a few days off from running to heal, but his body just wasn’t ready to hit the road again. He got his second injury the next week. This one has just about finished him. He has been in constant pain for almost 2 weeks now, and been in and out of Drs offices to try and figure out what’s causing it... :(! He won’t be able to run in his planned "first marathon" in Las Vegas, since it has put his training on hold obviously. He is pretty upset about not being able to run on a daily basis, and to not be able to do his race he had been looking so forward to. Keep him in your prayers for a quick healing of his injuries.

On a happy note, my Best friend of 15 years got married this last weekend! YAY!!! Rachel was sooo beautiful. She had the most amazing dress, and an even bigger glow on her face! Congrats Rachel and Lionell. I pray you enjoy your marriage the way God intended for us. It is a beautiful thing. Here are a few pictures of us from the wedding!

