April 11, 2010

Thomas the Train Collection

David and I decided we needed to check out the thrift stores. You never know what can be hiding on those "not so clean" shelves! ;) Sure enough we found ourselves back in the toy section. The kids were in heaven looking at all the toys we DIDN'T own. Tucked away on the top shelf in the corner was a big bag that caught my eye. I pulled it down to have a look, and I found the jackpot! We got a HUGE bag of Thomas the Train tracks and a few more trains to add to our already too big collection. Ky's mouth dropped when we got home and was able to dump the bag out and see what we really had got! After pulling everything out, I took the time to look up how much we really did get on the internet. The sets that were included in the bag, plus trains was worth over $200. You wanna know how much we got it for? $6.00!!!!! YUP! Can you believe it! Ky now has WAY too many trains for our small little apartment. The first night setting it up(plus our tracks we already had) took us 2 hours to set it up. It also took up our whole dining room! It was such a blast for all of us.
After a few fun hours of building, it took Ky a whole 30 mins to be Godzilla and DESTROY our little Thomas Town. :( Thanks Ok though...more than destroying, he absolutely LOVES to put it all together by himself.


  1. what a lucky kid! i cant wait for stuff like this!!!!

  2. That's soo cute! Now show us the pictures after he tore each of the tracks apart..lol:)
