May 21, 2010

Ky's Birthday Party

VERY late.. I know I know! Between a sick family, and family vacations, Ky got his party a little later this year...only a month(thats not TOO bad)! ;) We celebrated Ky's birthday, Poopa's Birthday and Mothers day all together. With THREE cakes! Wow was that a lot of sugar.

Here was one of the cakes..Ky's extra sugary Thomas cake...
Ky blowing out his candles....of course with the help of cousin Zac!
Poopa blowing out his Candle. We spared him from blowing out ALL the candles, and only gave him one this year. It was more of a fire we decide to play it safe!

Believe it or not..this was Auntie Jen's plate! She may be small...but don't ever think she cant eat 3 slices of cake AND icecream!

Present time! Because we didnt give Ky a party on his real birthday(or even close to his real birthday), he kinda suckered Mom and Dad out of a moth of birthday presents. Everything was "For my birthday I can have....". And for his birthday he got! :) His big present from us was his first big boy bike. But those pictures will come later. From family at his party he got a few new clothes, a remote control Lightning McQueen car, a few race cars, a robot bug(yes....a ROBOT BUG), and some Bendaroos. Thanks everyone for the gifts!

His Bendaroos that he got from Gammi and Poopa has given him HOURS of fun play! Who would have though that wax dipped string could be so fun for a 3 year old. Here was his first creation. What it is.. I have no clue!

May 10, 2010

Delicious Bree pics!

Heres a few SUPER Delicious new pictures of bree. I could just eat her cuteness all up!

April 27, 2010

She Really IS mine!!!!

It makes me sooo happy to know that Bree looks like me! ;) She is just so perfect looking, so I figured she MUST look like daddy. But I dug up a few baby pictures of me when I was about her age....and IT's HER! (I do have a little more hair than her.....but she's getting it!)

April 24, 2010

Ky's Collage

Just had to share my collage I did for Ky's 3rd Year pictures! Man...he is such a stud muffin! :)

Think Positive, Think Beautiful

"Finally, Bothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable- if anything is excellent and worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things." Philippians 4:8

It seems that it has become far too easy to focus on the negative things and the negative feelings in life. "This house is always a mess", " I hate school", "I hate my job", "I don't like so-in-so", " why does this always happen to me". These negative thoughts consume our world, and attack our lives. The more we THINK of these negative thoughts, the more they will conquer over our lives.

It's time to make a change in our lives. It's time to think Positive and think Beautiful. God can make beautiful out of our ugly. If only we believe He will.

This week I will challenge myself to think of things that are Noble, Lovely, True, Pure, Admirable and Worthy of praise. Anyone wanna join me!

"Lord, I KNOW you will make Beautiful out of my ugly. Help me to set my mind on the lovely things of the world, and to show your beautiful light threw me. I trust that you have a plan for my life, and your will will be done in YOUR time, not mine. Lord, make my ugly Beautiful. Amen"


April 18, 2010

My Ky date!

Breezy is sick at home napping with daddy, so Ky and I got to go out on a little date! We took a trip to the river to throw some rocks in the water, then took a walk to the park. It was SUCH a beautiful day out today...almost 80!!!!  I cant wait for more weather like this! And more mini dates with just my Boggers and me! ;)
Here's a few(haha..i know, there is NEVER just a few) pictures I got of my little big man!
Love those plummer butt cheeks!
This one is Ky's idea of a good pose! He is FINALLY getting back in to loving me take pictures of him...he is all about the posing!

Kys angry face while trying to throw rocks in the water!

April 13, 2010

My New Blog!

I've been busy busy blogging away the last two weeks. I started a new blog that will be just for all the fun stuff I have been learning about Photography, Photo editing, Digital scrapbooking and Blogging!

I don't have MUCH done yet, but I do have TONS of Blog tutorials written up (look under the Blog Tutorial button). So for all you bloggers out there if you are ready for a blog makeover....that's the place for you. And for you non bloggers...well, why not start now! ;)

Here's the New blog...come follow me over there too. There will be lots of new stuff to come soon!

Love my babies!

Here is our latest photo shoot! Just like the last few, Ky did great with the smiles and bree not so much. This one was very much my fault though. The sun was going down soon, and I wanted my "natural light" right when she woke up from her nap, I got her hair done, and plopped her down for pictures. SOOOO not what she wanted right after nap. SO I can only blame myself for the lack of smiles from Bree this time! I still got a few super cute ones though....and Ky, what a stud muffin. He's looking more and more like Daddy.



As you all have noticed...that Kayhbree has a bit of an issue with taking the bink out of her mouth. I have to steal it from her to try to get some picture of her without it in her mouth. She ALWAYS has it. ...ALWASY. And not just one...she has one in her outh, and one in her hand, then one in a hiding spot, JUST in case I take one from her and "forget" to give it back. I'm pretty sure that we, by ourselves, have kept Wal-Mart's binky collection down to the slim pickings. It seems like once a week we were buying a new pack of binks, because SOME HOW we manage to lose every bink in our house. I swear one day we will find this hiding spot, and a pile of 100 binks. Now we just need to figure out where that spot is...and who keeps hiding them...bree or the cat.

SO...we decided now is the time. No more buying binks. It was time to end the binky addiction. We thought we would try just making her leave it in her crib....umm.....that didn't last long. She just sent big brother to climb in the crib to retrieve the golden treasure for her. SO the next step was the big snip. We snipped the ends off of all the binks we could find. The first night was a long long night of lots of tears. But after that, she has done great! She still likes to carry them around, but no longer has them in her mouth all day long. few days after the first snip, we snipped a little more. They are almost to the point where she can't even keep it in her mouth if she tries...kinda cute though! :)

These pictures were taken right after the first snip. This is her new way of carrying them around..on the tip of her fingers.


Train Depot

The kids and I took a day trip down to the Train Depot to TRY and get a few good pictures! Ky did great with the smiling, Bree, had other plans. She of course wanted to just run and play! I got a FEW good I guess I can't complain about that. A "good" shoot" for me with them is 3 or 4 good pictures out of 100! One is such a hard age to get them to sit or stand still.  I think I need about 5 more hands.......ORRRRR a tripod and a remote for my camera...wink wink(to David)!
And by the way... they are OLD UN-USED train tracks that we did the pictures on. I would NEVER put my babies on used train tracks....;)!!


April 11, 2010

Thomas the Train Collection

David and I decided we needed to check out the thrift stores. You never know what can be hiding on those "not so clean" shelves! ;) Sure enough we found ourselves back in the toy section. The kids were in heaven looking at all the toys we DIDN'T own. Tucked away on the top shelf in the corner was a big bag that caught my eye. I pulled it down to have a look, and I found the jackpot! We got a HUGE bag of Thomas the Train tracks and a few more trains to add to our already too big collection. Ky's mouth dropped when we got home and was able to dump the bag out and see what we really had got! After pulling everything out, I took the time to look up how much we really did get on the internet. The sets that were included in the bag, plus trains was worth over $200. You wanna know how much we got it for? $6.00!!!!! YUP! Can you believe it! Ky now has WAY too many trains for our small little apartment. The first night setting it up(plus our tracks we already had) took us 2 hours to set it up. It also took up our whole dining room! It was such a blast for all of us.
After a few fun hours of building, it took Ky a whole 30 mins to be Godzilla and DESTROY our little Thomas Town. :( Thanks Ok though...more than destroying, he absolutely LOVES to put it all together by himself.
So I say "spring time " VERY loosely. It SHOULD be spring when these pictures were taken in March...but then it snowed just a few days after this. OHH I hate spring time! Just can't wait for summer! So here are a few pictures from our week of spring in March.

By the way, just to show the difference in Kyhlan and Kayhbree..... it took us two years to get Ky to go down a slide by himself(and he STILL hates it). He STILL won't even walk across the playground bridges without Daddy by his side. Bree....look out big she comes. This girls has NO fear. Her first playground experience she was off to play with the big kids and didn't even look back for mom or dad. She showed Kyhlan.....

Ky FIRST time down the slide by himself!! Only took 3 years!
Bree's FIRST time down the slide by herself....took a whole year! :)