David starts is work-study program today! Thank you God! It is going to be awesome. He will be doing similar work to what he will be doing once he graduates, so lots of nice practice. The job is through the VA (so it's all tax free), in the Mental Health Building...doing lots O' paper work! He put in his 2 weeks for the paper route, so he will FINALLY be able to get a full night of sleep every night. After 3 years of working nights (and super early mornings), he will finally be able to have a "normal schedule"! School every morning, work until 4:30, home for lots of homework, dinner, family time and bed (for a whole 9 hours)!!!! AND…weekend off!! One more perk for me, is that since he will be getting a full night’s sleep now, he can also get up with the kids at night. Yeah for me!!! Maybe I can get a full night of sleep one night!! :)
We are soo excited, and totally blessed to be able to have this job fall into his lap. I thanked God everyday for providing us both with jobs; even though at times we may not be the happiest with where we are. He has promised us that he will provide our every need. We are so lucky to have a God who has got our back, who will never leave us or forsake us, who will always love us, and always protect us. Thank God....