November 12, 2009

Oh where oh where has the time gone....

...Oh where oh where could it be!

I guess it’s been awhile huh! Life has taken over, and left me little time to blog this last month! It’s actually left me very little time to do anything...including pictures! I've only taken a handful this last month... :(!!! But I am back and ready for action! The holidays are here...Yippy...the weather is here...Yuck.....the food is here...Yippy....and the time to be Thankful is here...Double Yippy! Why does it seem like we are always more thankful around the holidays? Why can’t we be thankful EVERYDAY!!! me!

This last month has really kicked David’s and my butts. We hit many new challenges, and experienced things we had not experienced before. I thank God for each of those challenges, as they were wonderful tools to draw us closer to Him!

A little over a month ago, we found out that we had our surprise bean number 3 on the way. God had blessed us with a third chance to be the best parents we could be. To raise another one up under His teachings. To be able to raise up the smallest gift into yet another godly man or woman. It was a surprise, but a huge blessing. Just about the time we were ready to tell all the family, we had a miscarriage. Our hearts were broken. My little bean was gone. We have now had a few weeks to really sit back and reflect on what it all meant. And to really focus on the things we Do have. God has given us the two most beautiful gifts he has created. They have done nothing but put joy in our lives, and the ones around them. I know in His timing, he will bless us again.

A few days after I finally started feeling better about what was going on, David hit his hard spot. He injured his leg is in first race....that, by the way he did awesome in!!! He got 11th place out of over 700 runners! He took a few days off from running to heal, but his body just wasn’t ready to hit the road again. He got his second injury the next week. This one has just about finished him. He has been in constant pain for almost 2 weeks now, and been in and out of Drs offices to try and figure out what’s causing it... :(! He won’t be able to run in his planned "first marathon" in Las Vegas, since it has put his training on hold obviously. He is pretty upset about not being able to run on a daily basis, and to not be able to do his race he had been looking so forward to. Keep him in your prayers for a quick healing of his injuries.

On a happy note, my Best friend of 15 years got married this last weekend! YAY!!! Rachel was sooo beautiful. She had the most amazing dress, and an even bigger glow on her face! Congrats Rachel and Lionell. I pray you enjoy your marriage the way God intended for us. It is a beautiful thing. Here are a few pictures of us from the wedding!



October 16, 2009

I loved you from the very start

MAKE SURE YOU CLICK THE FULLSCREEN TO MAKE IT BIG ENOUGH TO READ IT! Click the link at the bottom, then on your new screen click "view photo book", then full screen!

October 15, 2009

First tattoo's

Like Daddy like son.....

....and daughter...

October 9, 2009

TGIF 10/9/09

It was a LONG LONG week. Breezy has had a fever for about a week and a half now. FINALLY, today she seems like she is feeling better. The fever is gone, and she is finally talking again. It was nice to have a calm cuddly little girl, but she is slowly coming back to her nonstop crazy moving self! This week we Thank God over and over again that Breezy is safe in our arms. Nothings worse than having a sick baby.

This week I pulled my craftiness out of me! I made Breezy her first tutu! It cost me a whole $3, and about 30 mins of my time! I am soo excited! Im gonna be making tutu's in every color now! She of course wasnt cooperating while I was trying to do pictures(because she didnt fel good), so these were the only two that turned out ok...I'll post some more after this weekend(Im gonna try again)!

October 2, 2009

TGIF! 10/2/09

David starts is work-study program today! Thank you God! It is going to be awesome. He will be doing similar work to what he will be doing once he graduates, so lots of nice practice. The job is through the VA (so it's all tax free), in the Mental Health Building...doing lots O' paper work! He put in his 2 weeks for the paper route, so he will FINALLY be able to get a full night of sleep every night. After 3 years of working nights (and super early mornings), he will finally be able to have a "normal schedule"! School every morning, work until 4:30, home for lots of homework, dinner, family time and bed (for a whole 9 hours)!!!! AND…weekend off!! One more perk for me, is that since he will be getting a full night’s sleep now, he can also get up with the kids at night. Yeah for me!!! Maybe I can get a full night of sleep one night!! :)

We are soo excited, and totally blessed to be able to have this job fall into his lap. I thanked God everyday for providing us both with jobs; even though at times we may not be the happiest with where we are. He has promised us that he will provide our every need. We are so lucky to have a God who has got our back, who will never leave us or forsake us, who will always love us, and always protect us. Thank God....

October 1, 2009

Love is Patient, Love is Kind....

Last night was our second study...great again! It was such an amazing lesson; something I could hear over and over again, and learn something new every time! I feel like I am, quickly, losing patients with my job, with the kids, and with myself. The last few weeks, I have had numerous people make the comment of how I have so much patients working with kids every day. I know I "use to"...but I think it has all run out. :) In our study, our lives were compared to a cup of coffee. When a cup of coffee is "jiggled", coffee spills out. We were then asked "what spills out of our lives when we are jiggled"? Ughhh....I feel like impatients is all that spills out of me.

Something that really stuck with me was " Patients is an attitude. Kindness is an action." Wow...

...God has so much to teach me. I have so much to learn.

September 30, 2009

26 hour days... :)

Some days I wish they were 26 hours long. I just need two extra "alone hours"...all to myself!!! Nobody but me. I can never find enough hours in the day to fit everything in. Between a bazillion diapers, feedings, laundry(that NEVER ends), cooking for the endless mouths, cleaning(that also NEVER ends), being a taxi driver and mommy to 3 other kids...then trying to find time to be a mommy to our 2 kids, more diapers and feedings, sleepless nights, bathing everyone(but myself)....There is no end to my days! What would I do with myself if I had two hours everyday all to myself?!?! Hmm....First I would shower! Some days it feels like its been forever(even if it was only the day before)...being a mom is a messy job! :) Second... I would have a personal bible study....just me and God! Oh how I miss having time for that. Third... I would edit more pictures!!!! You cant ever have too much time taking and editing pictures!! Especially when you have such a beautiful family!

September 25, 2009

TGIF! 9/25/09

Thank God it's Friday! This week a young girl we know lost her father. He was a young, healthy 45 year old Dad. It was the unexpected when he went in for a routine Dr. visit. Today, I thank God for giving me the last 24 years with my Dad. He has always been there for me, always stood by my side in my decisions, and has always given me every ounce of love he's got. At our couples Bible study this week, we were asked "Who is the most loving person you know, and what does their life look like?" My answer was my dad. His heart is a cup running over with love. God’s love. Without God, he would be nothing. But with God, he is everything. He is everything that I strive to be. An amazing servant, an awesome believer, a strong spouse, and a wonderful parent. Thank you God for giving me a great an AMAZING Dad to look up to.

(And by the way....Happy Birthday tomorrow Dad!!)

We had our first "Couples with young children" Bible study group, held at our house. It was amazing. David and I have really been struggling with not having many friends here. Since we moved back to Idaho, we have been so busy and wrapped up in our lives, that we haven’t taken the time to find any christian friends. And the only ones we do have (Yes you Josh and Kim); we don’t take the time to spend with them. We have spent a lot of time talking and praying about it, and this was a new step we were going to host a bible study group for our church. We had 4 other couples over, so we ended up with 10 adults, and 8 kids in our house! It was crazy, but so much fun. I can’t wait to get to know each family better, and start making some real friends. :) Today, I thank God for providing us the room in our house to host this bible study. I thank God for giving us the time, and the willingness. And I thank God for giving us the big Push we needed to get walking in the right direction again.

And after a LONG week; today, I thank God for giving us weekends!! :)

September 18, 2009

TGIF~ 9/18/09

Today I heard Robert Rogers tell the story of how he lost his wife and 4 children in 2003 in a flashflood. Through it all, he was able to find comfort in God's love, and turn this tragedy into a way to bring Him glory. I dont know what I would do in that situation, but it further reminds me and encourages me of the greatness of God's grace and love. I am thankful that God has blessed me with an amazing family. We have two beautiful children that teach us (as best we can) how to love, as God loves. Erin continues to amaze me with her patience as she raises our children, along with two other families children. She is a constant encouragement as I push forward with school, helping me keep my eye on the goal. ONLY 1 YEAR LEFT!!! I think what is really exiting me the most right now is the opportunity we are about to have, to host a small group at our house starting next Wednesday. Our church is starting a bible study "40 Days of Love" which is a chance to bring families together, find new friends, and draw closer to God in the process.

September 15, 2009

Ky's new pictures!

Kyhlan finally learned to trick of blowing EVERY dandelion he can find! Sprinkler fun with his best bud!

Everything he owns is too big for his little body. He couldn't keep his shorts on all day! :)

Bree's new pictures!

We had to get a few more grass pictures done before it all starts dying! :)

September 12, 2009


TGIF....Thank God It's Friday! We say this so often, well, every friday for most of us. But when we say it, are we actually doing it? David and I are going to make it our personal goal to spend a little time each week(on friday) to focus on the things we are thankful for. To really THANK GOD for the things he has given us. I challenge everyone to do the same. Today is 9/11(well, yesterday actually, since Im writing this at 12:26am). While listening to the radio, a song played with the voices of a 911 call, and a call from a man to his wife as the Twin Tower were falling down around them. My heart sank as I realized I had not told my family that I loved them .
Today, I thank God for giving me the breath to speak the words I love you to my kids and husband.
Today, I thank God for giving me a job. I complain everyday about my job. But He has provided me with two wonderful families who trust me to watch their kids each day. They pay me wonderfully, and I couldnt be more grateful for that.
Today, I thank God for baby wipes. Between David and I, we killed 7 spiders in our house....HUGE spiders I might add. Baby wipes seem to make them "crunch" less than toilet paper. I also couldn't imagine cleaning up all the poopy diapers I do with toilet paper. :)
Today, I thank God for my Family. I am surrounded by most of my family here in Boise. Everyone got together for my 24th birthday this past weekend. We had a BBQ, roasted "smellows", and ate OH so good strawberry cheese cake. My family is the best, and I dont know what I would do with out them.
Tanner, Bailey(my lil sister), Zac and baby Joe Joe

GGmom and GGpop

Tanner, Zac, Gammi, Poopa and Ky all roasting "smellows" around the fire! Ky's first time roasting smellows! He loved it!

August 31, 2009

Kayhbree's 7 month photo's

She's getting so big. 7 months and 18 lbs. She's crawling like a pro now, and just started pulling herself up(to standing) on everything. Doesn't quite have her balance right though, so most times she just topples over after getting up on her feet. She thinks she is one of the "big kids". She thinks she can go where ever she wants, when ever she wants. I can't believe how fast the time has gone.
This is the "Mom....don't look at my butt." picture!!

August 29, 2009

Stanley, Id 2009

We spent many of our weekends this summer camping away. The kids did much better than we expected. Our first camping trip of the summer was suppose to be about 30 mins. out of town. Close enough that if we needed to come home we could, and we could easily. About 20 mins. into the drive, we decided to be the adventuresome family that we are, and do the long drive up to Stanley Idaho. Kyhlan got car sick on the way up, and Bree screamed the whole way because the elevation change was hurting her ears. About an hour shy of making it to our destination, we decided to pull of and call it a night. Bright and early we were up again and ready to hit the road and get to the beach! After FINALLY making it up to Stanley, we unpacked, and spent the whole day at the beach. Lots of sun, sand and bugs! It was beautiful! God did an amazing job when he thought up that place.

August 24, 2009

Swim Weekend

Ky's "frankles" are popping up more and more everyday we spend outside! Soon enough he will look just like Daddy!

As our summer in Idaho is quickly coming to an end, we have been trying to fit as many last minute activities in as we can! This weekend, we spent one day swimming in the neighborhood pool, and the next day at our local water park (Roaring Springs). Kyhlan had a blast at the water park dragging daddy up and down the water slides in the kiddie pool. We spent half our time there, and the other half relaxing in the lazy river with the kids on our laps! Kayhbrees favorite part was the hole in the bottom of the pool that flushed the new water in! I'm sure she would have been just as happy in the bath tub. :)
Mommy swimming with Ky and Bree

Daddy sitting with Bree and Ky at the pool

Ky has no fear of the water anymore !

Bree and her "hole in the bottom of the pool" fountain.

August 22, 2009

Our first Blog

Thanks to everyone who has come to visit our family Blog! We are so excited to be able to share with our friends and family everything that is going on in our life. We will keep you all updated on the kids and how big they are getting, our family plans, and everything else that's going on in our lives!
David's new found love is for running. He is slowly working his body up to be able to run a few Marathons in the near future. He is currently training to run in the "Las Vegas Rock n Roll Marathon" that will take place on December 6th. His training will include daily runs, as well as a practice marathon (City of Trees Marathon), that takes place October 4th. His ultimate goal is to use these marathons to qualify for the Boston Marathon.
Erin has recently become addicted to taking pictures of the kids with her new Nikon camera. So there should be plenty of pictures posted so everyone can watch them grow!
**Kyhlan says Hi!!**